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If you are new to Texas, have no fear, in the past few years there have been lots of newbies accepted into the Republic. Thankfully, you’ll find that Texans are outgoing, friendly and willing to help and guide you if you just moved into town. But as you adjust into your new Texas life, you’ll discover:
#1 60 degrees is cold
If you’ve moved here from New Jersey, just be ready to hear us complain when its hot and when its cold. That means 60 degrees and lower. As soon as the temps dip into the 70’s in October, we pull out the Uggs
#2 Be sure to clarify Unsweet v. Sweet Tea
If you’re not ready for strong brewed tea with heaps of sugar, start with an 80/20 mix. Or be sure to clarify UNSWEET!
#3 You’ll need sunscreen all year round. In January, you could be wearing a sweater and a coat on Wednesday and shorts and flip flops on a Thursday. Your legs won’t be ready for this.
#4 Boots and Khaki pants are a thing (and it totally works)
#5 You may be super grateful to not be shoveling snow in February but you’ll have to crank up your lawnmower at least once in January and February.
Those bouts of rain and warm weather days will mean your lawn will have the urge to grow. And you’ll need to mow it before the city code officials give you a warning from that pic your neighbors submitted on the City app.
And as far as weather, you’ll receive once per month Warning Sirens that will make your heart skip a beat each time. In Plano, they occur on the first Wednesday of the month at noon. Once March, April and May come you might hear this siren in the middle of the night along with high winds and thunder. At this point, my heart typically skips 2 beats. Its a scary, scary thing and shit has just got real.
#6 Patio Season is a thing
And it’s glorious!! You’ll want as much patio time before the real heat hits you – choose from thousands of options. Ok, maybe tens of thousands of options. There is no shortage of restaurants here. Like none. Absolutely no shortage now or ever ever.
From Saint Anns in the Harwood District to Marcus Cafe in Richardson to Gloria’s in Frisco, yummy food and packed patios!
(click on the tee for your own Texas Beer tee)
#7 Our Football and our Football stadiums are ENORMOUS. I’m talking about our high school football programs of course (I’m looking at you Allen Eagles)
(click on the pic y’all)
#8 After being here for a few years, you will suddenly have the urge to monogram everything. From car decals to door wreaths to pink baseball caps.
Speaking of monograms, you will find no shortage at the
Vintage Market Days in McKinney on May 5 – 7 Details here
#9 PSL season is a thing.
It’s our hope and its a big deal. It basically signifies the end of the blazing heat. Just the thought of scarves, leggings and Pumpkin Spice Lattes put us into a tizzy
(btw, I hope you are joining me for PART 2 of the Great Coffee Giveaway)
#10 The Czech Stop and Buc-ees will become important rest stops.
You need to know what the excitement is all about for your first road trip on I-35. And trust me, when you drive I-35 you’ll need some sort of excitement along the way.
And OMG! Did you know that a Buc-ees is coming to Melissa, Texas??!!??
#11 Its “Y’all” and “All Y’all” but you will try to resist for as long as possible with You Guys. And then one day, it will slip out of your mouth because its just easier.
#12 Not only can you have fried food at the State Fair, they have a restaurant inside the Wal Mart (of course) open 24/7 of this stuff.
And its located in West Plano of all places 😉
#13 People wave to each other in their cars as they pass by I mean, you won’t seem people waving at each other on 75 and Eldorado Pkwy but within your own neighborhood, you’ll be sure to have this happen weekly if not daily. And just a heads up, people will look you in the eyes and say hi, how you doing? Say something back. Its okay. Next time, you encounter someone on the sidewalk, you can be the one to initiate the greeting.
(loveeeeee McKinney Texas of course!)
#14 We do not drive or do anything when it snows.
In fact, the rumor of snow making its way via Pete Delkus makes us clear the Kroger shelves and hunker down until the “blizzard” is over. And, if this lasts more than 2 days, we will be on Facebook complaining for it to be over and how bad our cabin fever is becoming.
#15 Life comes to a halt on Sundays (and don’t plan on buying any alcoholic beverages at the grocery store until after noon)
#16 Southern hospitality is alive and well
And saying, yes ma’am and yes sir is always the right thing to do. Teach this to your kids please.
You are now home (hint: click on the pic)
#17 No matter where you are going, you’ll need to pull yourself together
Don’t assume that an invite to a BBQ means cutoffs and a tee. It could mean a cute Charming Charlie dress, some Kendra Scott accessories or at least a monogrammed baseball cap. By all means, get yourself over to a Sam Moon to get some Texas-sized bling (eventually you’ll have that James Avery charm bracelet too). People dress nicely even when its hot (you’re in Texas, not Florida).
#18 Everything is BOOMING
The growth has been astronomical! New housing, new shops, new restaurants, food truck yards, water parks, lots of new construction . . you’ll find everything from A to Z here (except farms, the farms are going, going gone). Case in point, the Legacy West development in far West Plano, the Star in Frisco, new construction in downtown McKinney and the endless construction on the Dallas Parkway.
#19 Salsa and Chips are a food group
And they are delicious! Refer to patio season above. You’ll love sipping on a sweet ice cold margarita and nibbling (or shoveling) salty chips and salsa into your belly. =) You’ll love the Dallas classic Mi Cocina, Fernandos in Dallas and now in CityLine in Richardson, Casa Mama (a fabulous mom and pop) or pretty much every other Tex Mex place – you just can’t go wrong. And there’s always room for new Tex Mex
If you just moved here, where are you from and what do you LOVE most?
P.S. Make sure to join the convo over on Facebook
P.P.S. Check out the Texas Collection and be sure to send my
best seller With Love from Texas postcard back home to your loved ones
What a Fabulous list. ❤️