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Kiesha Baker is a licensed midwife in Dallas who came into birth work 8 years ago when pregnant with her second baby. After a less than desirable birth experience with her first, she dove into research on how to optimize a woman’s birth experience and the outcomes.
And this is exactly how The Dallas Midwife was born. 💗
Let’s get to know Kiesha Baker from The Dallas Midwife
I got started in birth work as a doula 8 years ago, back when it was pretty uncommon to know what a doula was. Luckily I found amazing partners and we started Dallas Birth. Over the years we have evolved and are 3 midwives, 3 doulas, and 2 childbirth educators.
We really wanted to provide an upscale concierge services that made people allowing people to have direct access to us. This has translated into all the services we offer, and we feel that each of our clients are unique therefore we keep our client load low to provide individualized care. Providing this kind of care is what has built our business by word of mouth.
The best part of our group is that is organically came together and for this we have been able to get through any challenge. My favorite part about our practice is our diversity, yet the fact that we come together around supporting families.
What’s the one thing that your customers rave about?
The personalized care and knowledgeable on nutrition, holistic living, and alternative medicine.
What is the #1 challenge that your clients/customers have when they reach out to you?
My clients are hoping to optimize their birth experience and receive personalized care.
Did you always have a sense that you’d start your own business or a project of your own?
I have always loved being an entrepreneur since I was a kid. Always trying to sell little craft projects and I thrived in the school fundraiser. My mom is a designer and entrepreneur so it runs in the family. I didn’t start my own business however, until I found birth work and discovered how much I loved it.
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day often consists of seeing a client or two, a phone interview, answering clients emails and texts, checking labs, and catching up on charting. I also have a blog, the so I’m usually creating some sort of content or brainstorming. All of this is sprinkled in with being a mom to 3. 💗
What is an essential book that you you’ve enjoyed that you think everyone needs to read right away?
Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols
Seeing families thrive and grow as they educate themselves on a better birth is what keeps me going.💕
I love to see how it sets them up for success as parents and teaches them to continue to approach all their parenting in the same way.

Let’s transition to Dallas:
Where would you like to have a staycation in the Dallas area?
Waco is always such a fun little escape for a quick trip.
And, we found that Wildcatter Ranch and resort is a super unique experience and feels like a whole vacation.
Biddy Mason. She was a black midwife entrepreneur philanthropist in the 1800’s. I think she would appreciate Rapscallion.
Thanks Kiesha Baker from The Dallas Midwife!
Thank you so much to Kiesha Baker from The Dallas Midwife here in DFW sharing her story here with us.
As always, our small and local business owners need our support to keep providing their gifts to the world.
Let’s share some 💕 love 💕 on her business.
If you’re starting a business of your own, you might like these killer books ⤵️
- This classic Jay Abraham (he is the BEST)
- Jab Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk.
- Growth Hacker Marketing by Ryan Holiday
- Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Need more sales, leads or attention – be sure to have a great website start here
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