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Sometimes I worry that people might think I am over-the-top with dogs Dutch and Bowden. These are my beautiful children that I adopted from a dog shelter (Dutch is from the Plano Animal Shelter). Adopting a Dallas dog has been ah-mazing for us!
Is it over the top to want matching outfits with my dogs who weigh the same as an adult?
I think its a total photo opp and maybe deep down there are some jelly people out there.
(Before I forget, if you know of anyone that has size 5XL dog clothes, have them call me, k?)
So I want to tell you about some folks in Dallas who adopted a dog for their family. They are the Dog Moms! Its an amazing place full of friendships, sharing, tips, advice and helping each other with ideas. For example, what can you do with your dog indoors when its 110 degrees outside or 32 degrees and raining? How about a lick mat? Or a board game? Yep, these are some of the things discussed in our group.
BTW, this article contains some affiliate links, meaning that if you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you!). Thank you for reading!
Here’s whats super cool:
This group of women are equally obsessed Dog Moms, in fact, there’s close to 600 of us. We love to snuggle, spoil and cherish our furbabies like no other. It gets me pretty blissed out. #blissy 💗
What’s not cool?
There will be many families adopting new dogs for the holiday season and they may not be at my level of enthusiasm for their pet. I just know it will eventually come.
Adopting a Dallas Dog for Christmas
Knowing this is an unfortunate part of the holiday season, I asked the Dog Moms to comment on a thread with some tips to help new dog owners.
Here’s what they had to say:
Open a savings account for your pup. Have X amount of money put in it directly every pay period. You’re saving for a major surgery or injury. My greatest fear is that Winston will need something medical that I will not be able to afford and I’ll lose him just because I couldn’t afford the treatment, this gives me a little piece of mind knowing I’m saving for the what if’s. -Dynail
If you are new to dog ownership, take your dog to an inexpensive obedience training to start the process for best results . For example Petsmart offers dog training. Also, be consistent with training of your dogs . Share training techniques with the whole household for better results ( to make sure everyone is on the same page ) I could go on and on… the ultimate goal- dogs should submit to their master not the other way around 😊 and love them like crazy !! Well behaved dogs are the best medicine –Sarah
Let them decompress, BUT rules & boundaries start from the first minute to establish pack leadership.
Especially for a rescue, they don’t know they hit the jackpot and your place is their last stop, all they know is they’re at yet another new place with new people. There will always be a ‘transition period’. -Trish
Don’t ever be ashamed to admit that you are feeling overwhemled or stressed! Just remember that it will pass and your hard work will pay off – Prithi
Spend time with them! But also time apart. They need to be okay with you not being there 24/7 so they don’t develop separation anxiety and go crazy when you leave! -Alexis
Consistency in training, create opportunities for EARLY socialization. Teach them it’s ok to be ok alone. Take them to Doggy Day Care. -Tracey

And this from Sharon
Adopting a Dallas Dog
Make sure to praise them when they are good and discipline when they do something bad, but not hit! They have to be told they’re doing good too, it can’t always be bad! Even small things in praising can make a difference in a dog! -Ellen
We froze baby carrots when our puppy was teething, the cold feels good and it’s great for them to chew on, plus it’s a great treat! -Alexis
Just like raising a child, dogs also have needs that are constantly changing. It is hard work but the snuggles make it all worth it. Take note of the tips above and find help.
We discuss everything and more over in the Dog Mom’s group which is a place to find answers to your challenges and meet like-minded women.
Whatever you do, please do not give up on your pup!
You can do this 💗
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