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Dallasite Cheryl Poldrugach, the founder of Panic Aide talks about getting past panic and anxiety attacks
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year.
The silver lining to all of this anxiety is that its not being kept a secret anymore.
People are talking publicly about panic attacks, anxiety and depression.
Cheryl talks about her own story and how she took massive action to make Panic Aide come to life for herself, her children and the rest of the population.
😃 I can’t wait to see this rockstar leave her legacy in Dallas and the world.
Listen to the entire interview here:
Ep. #082: Drink. Breathe. Relax with Panic Aide

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Special thanks to Cheryl Poldrugach for joining me this week. Until next time!
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Once more, listen to the entire interview here:
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