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I imagine that you are coming here because you’ve just moved into the Princeton area and your little ones are looking for a place to embark on their school career. They will get started at Princeton TX elementary schools.
Princeton TX Elementary Schools
There are 6 elementary schools in Princeton TX
How do the schools in Princeton Independent School District Rank?
Most Diverse School Districts in Texas90 of 1,025
Best School Districts in Texas306 of 1,002
Best Places to Teach in Texas311 of 1,019
You might be asking yourself if the Princeton schools are right for you and your famiy?
These are your children, your tax dollars and you can use your due diligence to find answers to many important questions.
You might want to start with these questions ⤵️
Does the school meet my basic needs?
While it can be tempting to try for a school that’s on the top of everyone’s list, first make sure the school meets your practical needs.
For instance, if you have to be at work at 8:30 AM and school starting time is 9:00 AM – and then you discover that there is no before-school care — that may be a deal breaker.
Also if you need for your child to have transportation like the School Bus but it does not serve your area, then it may not be a good fit for your family.
What about school lunch?
Do you need for the school to provide this for your child? Ask if the school provides lunch and how much it costs – and please note that some public schools offer a free lunch for families who qualify.
What’s the student-teacher ratio?
To understand what is considered a large classroom – a student teacher ratio over 22:1 is large.
The best schools focus on individual attention for each student. This is why individual attention is so important for your child and a really important question to ask.
You might also ask – does the classroom use assistants, volunteers? And does the school count administrators or librarians into the student teacher ratio.
If there is a behavioral problem, how is it handled?
This is an area that you don’t want to make any assumptions on.
You’ll want to know exactly how this is dealt with.
Every school will have a policy regarding discipline.
Do they have a more punitive approach, such as giving children demerits and eventual suspension?
Do they give warnings?
Do they put the child in after school detention?
Or is there corporal punishment?
Want to know what the data says? Every school will have stats on their disciplinary action because legally they need to track this.
What distinguishes your school from others?
Find out what the school is proud of?
What do they stand for?
Do they keep high standards and expectations for their parents, teachers, administrators and students?
How much homework is there?
At the Elementary level, its likely that there will not be a heavy load of homework.
Just be sure to ask to confirm this.
How do you support your students with different learning styles and needs?
Depending on your child, you may be looking for different answers to this question.
If your child is working above grade level, you will want a school where the teachers adapt assignments for accelerated learners or have special more challenging programs. Does the school have resources to accelerate your child’s learning? Is there a program such as OM or Odyssey of the Mind, for example?
If you have a child with a learning disability, you’ll want the school to have learning specialists programs to support your child’s area of challenge.
Will your special needs child be separated from other students and learning styles?
What after-school activities are provided or available?
If your child needs after-school care, then find out what specific classes, sports, activities or clubs that are offered.
Is the environment secure?
Especially due to today’s climate and so many school shootings, you’ll want to know more about the security of the school
Find out if entrances and exits are monitored so that kids can come and go safely.
Is the sign in and sign out policy truly monitored and is it even required?
Find out if its easy to get onto any part of the school’s campus.
How are teachers supported and held to a high standard?
Schools, like many corporations, deal with bureaucracy.
When you visit the school, can you sense any tension.
Are the teachers and administrators pushing themselves by staying educated, up on the latest advancements and attending conferences.
Are the teachers and administrators unified?
Are teachers provided the time to hold regular meetings to discuss projects, teaching techniques, and specific students?
What are the school’s expectations for its students?
Look up the school’s test scores on the GreatSchools website before you go on a tour.
If the school doesn’t have high test scores, ask why.
If the school does not have something that you are looking for, again, ask why.
Need more help with learning about Princeton TX elementary schools?
Don’t be afraid to reach out for help for yourself or for your student.
Reach out to an administrator within the Princeton Independent School District for more guidance.
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